Monday, April 14, 2008

My First: King Of Rock

Run DMC: King Of Rock


This was the first CD I ever bought. I got it used at Wazoo Records in Ann Arbor when CD’s were a brand new thing. I might not even have the player, but I could never pass up a bargain. And I figured a used CD was just as good as a new one, since the markering people at the record companies were saying that you could play frisbee with them and they would still play perfectly. Ha!

Its funny to hear this compared to the hip hop of today. It’s like comparing Buddy Holly to Jimi Hendrix.

Here are some of my favorite lines from the featured number:

I'm one def rapper, I know I can hang
I'm Run from Run-DMC, like Kool from Kool and the Gang

My name is Darryl, you can call him D
You can call me Darryl Mack, or you can call him DMC
People always ask, "DMC, what does it mean?"
D's for never dirty, MC for mostly clean

Every jam we play, we break two needles
There's three of us but we're not the Beatles


  1. That's so strange. I was literally JUST listening to that. How cool.

  2. "the markering people at the record companies were saying that you could play frisbee with them and they would still play perfectly. Ha!"

    Nice first cd, for sure!

  3. It's also very good for cutting pizza slices.
