Sunday, May 18, 2008

Little Black Book: Cinderella

The first name that came up in my personal black book just happened to be Cinderella. Not because of the sugary Disney dvd´s about the princess with the famous glass slipper my daughter watches all the time though. My adoration for sweet Cinderella is all Gerry Roslie´s fault. With his band the Sonics he recorded a plea to the fairy tale girl that sounds so raw and furious it´s hard to believe it was recorded way back in ´66. The Sonics were a garage band from Tacoma, Washington that never made it big except locally, but proved way influential on the eighties garage punk revival. All together now: "I want to be your feller, hey hey hey hey hey Cinderella..."


  1. Great pick. But now what are you going to post for princess week?

    (If my 4-year-old were in charge of this site, the weekly theme would alternate between princesses and unicorns.)

  2. Nevermind. I just realized you've got a Townes Van Zandt song for princess week.

  3. I´ve got everything covered. Bring on princess week!

  4. smokin track! niiice post

  5. I love the sonics but I don't have this track - thanks.
