Sunday, June 8, 2008

Advice: You Don't Mess Around With Jim

Jim Croce: You Dont Mess Around With Jim


You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim


  1. A classic advice song! Good call.

  2. You can't go wrong with Jim Croce! I'd heard this will soon be made into a film, should be interesting.

  3. Aw...this song is a great party, but Croce always sounds so earnest and tender, even when singing about a rough and tumble man of the same name as his own. I mean, "da da doo da da dee dee dee de de dee" is a great break, isn't it?

  4. Jim Croce was one of the biggest names in music when he passed on - I'm surprised he never got a biopic because he lived quite a life. He really had an ear for melody, so many great songs.

  5. I had a feeling I had to be fast this week... this was on my shortlist of tracks to post. Love Jim Croce.

  6. Some themes are filled with gold waiting to be mined. The womens name theme was one, this is another. I must warn you, I have a stack of tunes, so better let yours loose!

  7. Man - I found that out! I left the blog alone for about 24 hours, and came back to find no less than three of of my short list songs already posted. I better get to work.

  8. I don't know Jim Croce...and, thus, my musical ignorance comes to the fore again! This is a great song though...sounds like another one to add to my listof 'to check out furthers'!
