Thursday, June 5, 2008

Next Week's Theme: Advice

OK, this one might be a bit of a challange. Starting Sunday, June 8, the theme is Advice. I'm looking for songs that impart advice (good or maybe not so good) from the singer to the listener. It could be anything from "brush your teeth" to "smell the roses" to "don't make the same mistakes as me." Got it?


  1. The first contributor who responds to this post gets the awesome responsibility of picking the theme for the following week.

    Starting now....

  2. Um...ok? But I think it should be divinyl's turn, since she's new.

  3. I didn't know we were supposed to be taking turns. (If we were, I cheated by picking three in a row). But Divinyl can certainly pick the theme if she has one in mind.

  4. Oh, I wasn't suggesting anything as formal as a rotation. It's just that my own previous theme choice came out of my first week's worth of posts -- it felt real good for that to happen.

    I like "advice", by the way. and agree wholeheartedly with BWR's comment below that we're getting kind of obscure -- I think I've been avoiding the obvious choices, figuring someone else must have it in mind already. And so the pendulum swings...

  5. I love the "advice" theme. My theme was also chosen soon after I joined the team, so let's give it to Divinyl (if she wants it). There are a ton of cool theme ideas on that one thread from a few weeks ago.

  6. I think we are on the same page. I want everyone to be able to feel involved, but its too complicated and formal to have a strict rotation (and I want to avoid all paperwork).

    To All Contributors: If there's a theme that you really want to do in the next couple of weeks, please send an e-mail to the group. Otherwise, I am just pulling them from the lists that have already been submitted.

  7. Hey guys...I was making a list of "don't" songs just the other day (my brain goes off on strange tangents sometimes when thinking of ideas for my own blog!), so there should definitely be a couple of ideas in that to start me off with 'advice'.

    As for the next theme...ooh, the responsibility!. I haven't really thought about this yet, so haven't thought of the 'ultimate' theme, nor one that I have the perfect song for! How about FOOTWEAR, i.e. These Boots Were Made For Walking, Kinky Boots, In These Shoes?, The Red get the picture.

    Could that work?

    Or, I've got a pretty good list of 'teenage' songs (i.e. that have teenager in the title or are about being a teen) that I've been compiling, again for some future point on CNPB, but we could do that here?

    It's 1.46am here and I have just woken up (don't ask!), so my head's a little bit fuzzy!

  8. I LIKE footwear (the theme, though shoes have their place, too)! Plenty of potential -- and nice and focused, so we end up being truly challenged.

  9. I like the footwear idea too. Let's do it after Advice.

  10. Already overwhelmed by 'footwear'! Lol....Have just jotted down about 20 songs I'd love to talk about, but will never get around to...and that's without really thinking it over!

    As for 'advice'...

    As I said, I have pages and page of 'don't' songs! I know my first post for that, I think.

    Does anyone have 'Advice to the Graduate' by The Silver Jews? I loved that song when I was younger, but don't have it on CD/as mp3.

  11. I'm going to have to be careful about contributing here! I've just spent about 2 hours thinking about advice songs, rather than updating my own blog! Lol. Think I may have to do an end of the week round-up over there after each topic, of songs I didn't get chance to post!

  12. Welcome to the club, D. I found it tricky, at first, to strike a balance between my own blog and this one here; I'm still not sure the balance is right just yet, but I'm sure we can all help each other figure it out.

    Aha -- is "We Can Work It Out" advice, or a plea?

  13. I think We Can Work it Out is a plea, but its close.

    This blog is pretty much killing my other blog, which is something I need to figure out.

  14. BH...I don't reckon 'We Can Work It Out' is advice...advice would be how to work it out.

    Paul...make sure you do, as your blog is bloody excellent, and I would hate to see it die! :o(

    I think I'm going to stick to fairly short posts that I don't spend too long on over means I get to contribute more songs to the theme and that I can spend the majority of my blogging time on the longer posts I usually do over at my blog. I love it here, but definitely want to keep my own going too!

  15. That's certainly the strategy I'm leaning towards, D. 2-3 posts a week "there" and 4 or so here is a LOT of blogging, but if I keep these short, and try NOT to overthink them, they tend to come out as "one shot" freewrites.

  16. Don't let your other blog die Paul! It's one of the best out there. Figure out what's making this one so time-consuming and then... stop doing whatever that is.

    There's freakin' 12 of us contributing to SMM, so this blog should be humming with activity even if we each throw up 1-2 songs a week.

  17. Hey Scott,

    Thanks for the kind words. I'm not going to let STWOF die just yet. But it needed to take a little break to get refreshed. My energies will be back there soon enough.

    I think the hard part of this blog was getting it up and running. It should go pretty smoothly from here on out, so SMM won't be a problem.

    Just had a bit of burn out, that's all.
