Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Record Labels: Revenant Records

[sadly out of print, try eBay]

Revenant Records was the brainchild of the late great guitar experimentalist John Fahey. Its output was far from huge (only 17 releases in total), but it´s the quality that counts right? And Fahey and co set the standard pretty high. For example, they released the wonderful 4th volume of Harry Smith´s Anthology of American Folk Music, 2 exemplary compilations of old gospel and blues marvels called American Primitive, and definitive collections of both Charley Patton and Dock Boggs. And then there´s the amazing Charlie Feathers anthology Get With It, Essential Recordings 1954-69 of course. If wild rockabilly and hillbilly country are your thing, make sure to hunt this one down.
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