Friday, December 27, 2013

Holiday (Modern/Classic) Jinglebell Rock

Tanner Patrick: Jinglebell Rock
[It's at SoundCloud]

I grew up in a household where Christmas music meant Handel’s “Messiah”, played on my dad’s new stereophonic record player back in the ‘60s and we sang it in the choir (and orchestra) he conducted.  Hardly modern.  But … how do you define “modern”? Being of an age where certain folk call me a “dinosaur”, I am sensitive to definitions and interpretations of the term “modern”.
Trite as it may be, to me, “modern” Christmas music is unequivocally associated with a late ‘50s rock – no – they say it is rockabilly – hit that has maintained its status/stature as an “all time favorite” [wait a minute – all time since when?] that gets plenty of airplay during the Christmas season: Jinglebell Rock.

Popularized by Bobby Helms in the late ‘50s, we have here a SoundCloud “modern” rendition of Jinglebell Rock by Tanner Patrick, who generously shares (in the Xmas spirit) his efforts. Tanner’s got various online links you can trace to learn more: here is the FB URL:
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