Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Future: Somewhere Down the Road

Joe Ross: Somewhere Down the Road

I live in Roseburg, Oregon, the town now known worldwide for the mass shooting that took place at Umpqua Community College on October 1, 2015 where nine people lost their lives, and nine others were injured. It was in an introductory writing class that the shooting took place, and I ponder what these students and their teacher would've penned if they had been asked to compose something related to music and the future.   

The victims of this tragedy included:
* Lucero Alcaraz, 19, of Roseburg
• Quinn Glen Cooper, 18, of Roseburg
• Kim Saltmarsh Dietz, 59, of Roseburg
• Lucas Eibel, 18, of Roseburg
• Jason Dale Johnson, 33, of Winston
• Lawrence Levine, 67, of Glide. Levine was the teacher inside of the classroom.
• Sarena Dawn Moore, 44, of Myrtle Creek
• Treven Taylor Anspach, 20, of Sutherlin
• Rebecka Ann Carnes, 18, of Myrtle Creek

Their futures were cut short, and we carry their names in our heavy hearts. Our entire community is heartbroken and grieves their loss. In their memory and as a tribute to them, I’d like to post a song I once wrote and recorded called “Somewhere Down the Road.” It speaks to the optimism and ideals that a young person might hold as they prepare for the future.

Unfortunately, the future for these nine has put them “Through Heaven’s Gate,” another song written to describe their new home – in a glory land with jasper walls, golden bells, angel band and harps of gold. 
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