Friday, February 22, 2008


Wilco: When The Roses Bloom Again


Speaking of Billy Bragg and Wilco's Mermaid Avenue, which is a truly excellent album, brings to mind this song. Originally recorded for Mermaid Avenue, it was pulled at the last minute when it was discovered not to be a Woody Guthrie composition. If anybody has a copy of the Carter Family version, feel free to post it in the comments...



Anonymous said...

This is the kind of stuff by Wilco I like the best--the more traditional country stuff. I'm into a lot of other experimental music, but I don't think that's Tweedy's strength, as much as he would like it to be.

Hate to be the only commenter here. When I become too annoying, let me know. Great idea for a blog, hope the conversation picks up. It's early, though--and it takes a while to build an audience.

Paul said...

Rockrobster23: By all means keep it up. This is supposed to be a blog about the comments. Not sure if that will work, but you are definitely keeping it going. Thanks for your interest!

What do you think of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot? I think it's got the best mix experimental with traditional elements.

Anonymous said...

I probably need to give YHF another chance. Listened to it a couple of times when it first came out, and it landed on my ears with a thud. Bored the crap out of me.

But I've proven to myself lots of times that music I didn't like at one point can sound great later (and vice-versa).