Monday, July 26, 2010

You First: You You You You You

The 6ths (featuring Katharine Whalen): You You You You You


Perhaps it's a bit overkill for the theme, but really, I adore this song and it just doesn't get any more You-ier than this. Do I get bonus points?

The 6ths are one of Stephen Merritt's (of Magnetic Fields fame) side projects. On this record he has different guest vocalists on each track. This track features Katharine Whalen (of Squirrel Nut Zippers). It's simple and charming, not unlike the Magnetic Field's 69 Love Songs collection, and despite the song maybe being a little TOO sweet and clingy considering she says they've just met in the first line, it's one of the more straight forward and optimistically romantic songs you can imagine coming out of the pessimistic Merritt.