Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Soundtrack Songs: Monty Python Edition

Monty Python: The Galaxy Song

Monty Python: Every Sperm is Sacred

Monty Python: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Monty Python: Camelot Song

When I first got word of this week's theme, my first instinct was to do a Monty Python mega post complete with songs from each of the major Python films. So that's what I'm doing.

I love Monty Python's Flying Circus. I love how they created their own brand of comedy that could leave me confused by absurd philosophical debates one minute and then laughing at the low-brow lunacy of The Gumbys or Mr. Creosote the next. And while nerds around the world (myself included) could spend hours reciting line after line of dialogue from the movies (Ni!) and the BBC television series (Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!), the musical output of the group can sometimes be over looked.

"The Galaxy Song" and "Every Sperm is Sacred" come from 1983's Meaning of Life. "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" is from 1979's The Life of Brian. This song was first addressed here by boyhowdy back in June as part of Advice week. Finally, "Camelot Song" comes to us courtesy of 1975's Monty Python & The Holy Grail. Here's a slightly different version of that one as well...

And since the original e-mail for this week said we could include songs from television soundtracks as well as movie soundtracks... Here's one more Python classic from the tv show.

Monty Python: The Lumberjack Song