Friday, June 21, 2013
And Bands: Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band
Any band that would put out a live album called "Hand Clappin', Foot Stompin', Funky-Butt...Live" is one you know you need to hear. So find it 'cuz this track from Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band is from 1968's Shake a Tail Feather Baby!
In the mid 60's The Air Force stationed Indiana native Geno Washington in England where he met up with the Ram Jam Band. Together they recorded some of the finest, best selling and most frenzied live albums of the decade. In the 70's Geno left the UK to become a hypnotist. But he wasn't entirely forgotten. In 1980 Dexy's Midnight Runners hit #1 for two weeks in the UK with their tribute "Geno". That prompted a come back of sorts. Geno still performs every now and then.
"Understanding" was the last track on side one of the '68 album so listen closely towards the end for a passionate prompt to flip the record to side two.
Posted by 1001Songs at 3:11 PM