Jorma Kaukonen and Tom Hobson: Police Dog Blues
This old "Blind" Arthur Blake tune, first recorded in the early days of the country blues, tells a pretty typical tale: rambling man meets Tennessee girl, girl passes him up because she doesn't like his tie, guy drops the issue before her crazy "police dog" can take a bite out of his pants. Irony alert: the dog's name is Rambler, too...
Blake was king of the ragtime guitar; this acoustic blues version from Jorma Kaukonen and Tom Hobson is a whole mess whiter. Still, the early stuff from these bluesfolk princes has a gentle, bittersweet soul of its own.
PS: I've been on an acoustic blues kick lately; if you like this sort of stuff, why not ramble over to Cover Lay Down for more?
Covering the Hits: “Laffy Taffy” (D4L)
4 hours ago