Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer: Happytown (All Right with Me)
[purchase] - scroll down to Tanglewood Tree
Eight years ago today, the world lost a charming man and a brilliant songwriter - Dave Carter suffered a fatal heart attack a month shy of his 50th birthday...
He and Tracy Grammer, his "partner in all things", released three in-my-opinion perfect CDs, and she coordinated a fourth posthumously - the legacy remains, through Tracy's continued touring of the songs as well as others' covers (beautifully spotlighted recently on Cover Lay Down)...
Here is a link to my post to the Dave-and-Tracy list the day after he left this earthly plane - not a day goes by when I don't think about/listen to the music of Dave Carter. This day is doubly hard now, because it is also the anniversary (one year ago) of my mom's passing - Happytown is inspired by Dave's experiences with Transpersonal Psychology... but I'll always remember it for my own personal interpretation of "endless summer":
he says the primal quest ain't nothin' but a second guess
sometimes you just do your best to compromise
Monday, July 19, 2010
Parentheses: Happytown (All Right with Me)
Posted by Susan at 11:45 PM
Labels: Dave Carter, Parentheses, Tracy Grammer