Lucinda Williams: Passionate Kisses
Lucinda Williams: Still I Long For Your Kiss
There's a ten year difference between Passionate Kisses and Still I Long For Your Kiss, and you can hear it: both contain plenty of pain, and thematically, the two songs are quite similar, but the former, recorded on Williams' self-titled album from the late eighties and later made famous via coverage, is ultimately upbeat and hopeful and empowering, while the latter song, slow and bluesy, drips with the anguish of loss and longing which typifies her breakthrough album Car Wheels On A Gravel Road.
Also true: Still I Long is a co-write, which is quite atypical for Lucinda, whose perfectionist's eye, attention to detail, and control of her musical output are notoriously precise. Listen to fellow songwriter Duane Jarvis' 2001 version of the song, learn more about Lucinda Williams' craft and career, and hear 15 other covers of Lucinda songs, including the aforementioned Grammy-winning composition as voiced by Mary Chapin Carpenter, at Cover Lay Down.
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