Saturday, January 12, 2019

In Memoriam: Ed King

purchase [ Second Helping album ]

It seemed to me that there were a lot more choices for the 2017 <In Memoriam> theme than for 2018. The Ranker website seems to prove me wrong: 37 to 35. Wonder why I got that impression.

Looking at the  Ranker list, I first thought: Charles Aznavour?
As an expat, I am probably more aware of M. -(that's Monsieur) Aznavour- than your average American, but .. I couldn't claim no affinity, no ties beyond having heard a lot of him as I grew up.

Then, it occurred to me that - considering that I (a) posted once about him [indirectly] this year, and that (b) I performed the same back in November, Ed King might be my best "go to" for this theme.

If you go back a ways in time, you'll find Ed King playing with Strawberry Alarm Clock back in the '60s.

 And then he played with Lynyrd until he couldn't hack it no more in the mid '70s [and there is a decent film about the experience called If I  Leave Here Tomorrow, preview below], fortuitously leaving before the horrible crash that took the lives of many of the band members.

Howsomever, I confess that I couldn't have named Ed King, or for that matter, any of the Lynyrd Skynyrd band. Knew of them? Sure. Ronnie Van Zant. More than that? Not much. But, once again, for my part ... the value of SMM - another chance to learn a little more than I knew yesterday.