Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hope & Change: Up to the Mountain (MLK Song)

Patty Griffin: Up to the Mountain (MLK Song)

Solomon Burke: Up to the Mountain (MLK Song)

This week's topic is a tough one for me.

Ask me to come up with songs that find fault with the outgoing administration and their policies and decisions, and I would have no problem. There have been many songs written over the last eight years that find fault with the past. I could come up with ten or fifteen right off the top of my head.

For some reason, however, songs of hope and (positive) change seemed harder to find...

...Until I thought of the events that are actually taking place this week. On Monday, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. On Tuesday, America inaugurates its first African-American President.

I chose a song that honors a man who personified hope... a man who dreamt of change. Forty-six years ago, Dr. King asked us all to share his dream and climb with him up to the mountain. On Tuesday, Barack Obama will stand at the summit. That should give us all reason to hope.