Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Top Posts of 2019

We interrupt the Ice & Snow theme for our fifth annual listing of the most viewed posts of the prior year.

Through our (usually) two-week long themes, our international roster of writers address many different kinds of music, and bring different perspectives to their pieces. In our top 10, we have discussions about spy themes, sidemen, musicians who died, doctors, unhappy couples and David Crosby.  Our posts throughout the year included rock, folk music of various countries, prog, power pop, country, punk, blues, standards, comedy and other genres.

So, in case you missed them, here are the most viewed posts from the last calendar year. But they are only a small sampling of what you will find in our archives, which we invite you to explore.  Also, we invite you to like us on Facebook, so that you won't miss anything.

Surprisingly, our top post of the year was about a classic movie theme:

1.  Spies & Secrets--James Bond Theme
2.  In Memoriam--Ed King
3.  Unsainted Nicks--Nicky Hopkins
4.  In Memoriam--Johan Johannson
5.  Spies & Secrets--Secret Agent Man
6.  In Memoriam--Avicii
7.  Titles & Honorifics--Doctor My Eyes
8.  What?!--What Are Their Names?
9.  Happy/Unhappy Couples--The Letter
10.  Happy/Unhappy Couples--Voices Carry

Because so many of the most viewed posts are from early in the year, which makes sense, since they were available to view on the site for the longest, below are the top posts for each of our themes not represented in the total top 10:

Lion/Lamb--Leo Kottke
Australia(n)--Men At Work/Down Under
Fake Bands--The Monkees
Stones That Roll--Rock: Santana-Stone Flower
Bass/Bass-Run Through The Jungle
Trees/Grass--Feed The Tree
Same Name/Different Artist--Squeeze
(In)Dependence--Nobody Slides My Friend
Alabama-The Blind Boys Of
Cutlery--Mack The Knife
Slide--Slide Away
Horse/s-Dark Horse
Power--Atomic Power
Strange/Weird--Goodbye Stranger
Witch--Anne Boleyn 'The Day Thou Gavest Lord Hath Ended'
Spirit--Spirit In The Sky
Red, Yellow or Orange--J. Geils Band
Family--Family Man
Leftovers-- Cutlery (that Cuts) (and Alabama)/A Knife and Fork
Snow & Ice--Jackie Leven

Thanks so much for reading our work this year.  If you are interested in joining our staff, contact information can be found at the top right of the blog.

And we promise more great music and writing in 2020, including our annual In Memoriam theme, coming soon!!