Sunday, June 15, 2008

Footwear: Red Shoes (The Angels Wanna Wear My)

Elvis Costello: Red Shoes (The Angels Wanna Wear My)


Hem: (The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes


I had a feeling I'd have to be quick with 'red shoes' songs this week, and I see Paul beat me to it with the first one...nevermind, there are still plenty to go around. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least another five songs just about red shoes, never mind any other colour!

Elvis Costello is one of my faves, and there are no two ways about it, this is a brilliant song, also covered very ably by Hem on Almost You: The Songs of Elvis Costello...this cover technically breaks the '20th century songs only' rule here at SMM, the CD it is on being released in 2003, but it's ever so pretty!!



boyhowdy said...

My approach has generally been to allow covers from whenever, as long as the original is old enough. The Hem is a decent shot at the Costello original, too -- thanks for sharing it!

Divinyl said...

No's nice, isn't it? They also do a great cover of Jackson!

Anonymous said...

I prefer the sneering original. Definitely in my EC top 10. The cover sounds pretty, but the original is so imprinted on my brain I really can't hear another version.

Elvis has a few more footwear songs left...